Career Videos (A day in life ...)

Commercial Pilots

Commercial Pilots: A day in life::
Commercial Pilots is a lucrative career choice with the growth i civil aviation in our country. The job of commercial pilot has a lot to do with proper training and flying hours put during training.

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Medical Technician Microbiologist
Medical Technician: A day in life:: Medical technicians are in great demand as the health care industry expands in the ...See More Microbiologist: A day in life:: Microbiologists investigate the fascinating world of microorganisms. They are in involv...See More
Financial Manager Environmental Scientist
Financial Manager: A day in life:: A finance manager is responsible to manage and control financial resources in the co...See More Environmental Scientist: A day in life:: Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates p...See More
Civil Engineer Financial Auditor
Civil Engineer: A day in life:: One of the largest branches of engineering, civil engineering is a field that deals wit...See More Financial Auditor: A day in life ...See More
Physician School Teacher
Physician: A day in life:: If the medical profession could be summed up in a line it would be ‘Doctors save lives’....See More School Teacher: A day in life:: What does it take to be a good teacher? Those who love children, are good at transmitti...See More
College Teacher Industrial Engineer
College Teacher: A day in life:: If you are someone who is inspired by the idea of learning, sharing and imparting know...See More Industrial Engineer: A day in life ...See More
Hardware Engineer Zoologist
Hardware Engineer: A day in life:: Hardware Engineering is becoming more and more popular because of the need to have c...See More Zoologist: A day in life:: Zoologists also are the bridges between the animal world and our world, and play a huge role...See More
Actuarist Sprting Coach
Actuarist: A day in life:: Actuaries are professionals who use their mathematics and statistics skills to understand, a...See More Sporting Coach: A day in life:: Sporting Coaches are those who help the young sport enthusiasts learn the sports in a d...See More
Veterinarian Scientist Database Manager
Veterinarian Scientist: A day in life:: A veterinarian, or a vet, is a physician/surgeon for animals and a practitioner...See More Database Manager: A day in life:: Data base management has acquired a whole new focus ever since the advent of social m...See More
Computer System Analysts Optometrists
Computer System Analysts: A day in life:: Computer system analysts are those who take their inputs from the customer's ...See More Optometrists: A day in life:: Optometrists are those who help in identifying the right type of lenses for those who wea...See More
Speech Therapist Linguists / Translators
Speech Therapist: A day in life:: Speech therapists diagnose and treat people with speech and communication difficultie...See More Linguists / Translators: A day in life:: Linguistics deals with the structure and development of particular language a...See More
Physiotherapists Surgeon
Physiotherapists: A day in life ...See More Surgeon: A day in life:: A Medical Surgeon is specialist doctor who performs surgery. The surgical treatment is becomin...See More
Software / Computer Programmer Social Worker
Software / Computer Programmer: A day in life:: A software developer is a person who overlooks all the software develop...See More Social Worker: A day in life:: A social worker is a person who works for the society with his heart and mind. The role ...See More
Economists Pharmacist
Economists: A day in life:: Economics is one of the social sciences that is the study of scare resources and how they a...See More Pharmacist: A day in life:: Pharmacists are health professionals who dispense prescription medication to patients and p...See More
Psychiatrist Marketing Managers
Psychiatrist: A day in life:: Psychiatrists are specialized doctors who treat mental health issues of the patient by us...See More Marketing Managers: A day in life:: Marketing is all about planning and creating conducive environment for making the s...See More
Sales Managers Nursing
Sales Managers: A day in life:: If you are a go-getter who never gets satiated with the boring work and gets motivated ...See More Nursing: A day in life:: A nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and c...See More
TV Reporter / Journalist Public Relations Manager
TV Reporter / Journalist: A day in life:: It is a profession that requires utmost levels of ethics and integrity. In ne...See More Public Relations Manager: A day in life:: Public relations managers manage the flow of information of an individual or ...See More
Landscape Architect Event Manager
Landscape Architect: A day in life:: Landscape architecture is a multi-disciplinary field, incorporating aspects of: bo...See More Event Manager: A day in life ...See More
Dieticians / Nutritionists Dentists
Dieticians / Nutritionists: A day in life:: Dietitians play an important role in maintaining health or people. Dietitia...See More Dentists: A day in life:: Dentists are medical professionals who diagnose, prevent and treat disease related to teeth, ...See More
Advertising Manager Accountant
Advertising Manager: A day in life:: A career in advertising is very creative and generally gives lot of professional s...See More Accountant: A day in life:: Accountants are professional people who work in the field of business and finance and their...See More
Librarian Human Resource Managers
Librarian: A day in life:: Today’s librarians are information experts, they ensure that people get the relevant infor...See More Human Resource Managers: A day in life:: A Human Resource Manager is a person who manages the manpower engaged in the c...See More
Interior Designers Artist
Interior Designers: A day in life:: An interior designer is an individual who makes the interior of an office space or ...See More Artist: A day in life: Applied Art or Commercial Art, includes training students in the planning and execution of adver...See More
Fashion Designers Architect
Fashion Designers: A day in life:: If you find clothes and accessories as not just things to wear but as things to expr...See More Architect: A day in life:: An architect is a scientist and artist rolled into one. A qualified architect may either wor...See More
Geogolists Actors
Geogolists: A day in life:: Primarily, geologists study the earth, the matter, the structure and its constituents. They...See More Actors: A day in life:: The actors portray the role of another character, fictitious or otherwise, for the benefit of a...See More
Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineer Why Aptitude Personality And Interests Are Required To Be Mapped
Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineer: A day in life:: Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering is one of the most challenging ...See More Aptitude mapping tells the career expert about the inherent ability of the student to learn or do certain tasks. However...See More
Assessments Developed in Western Countries Should Not Be Used In Indian Context Why Situation Based Aptitude Test Is Better
Aptitude mapping tells the career expert about the inherent ability of the student to learn or do certain tasks. However...See More Any career assessment process requires mapping of different aspects on a child's INHERENT make-up. Behavioral Scientists...See More
Why Reliability and Validity Need To Be Established For Psychometric Assessment Why Psychometric Testing Is Needed For Career Guidance
Aptitude mapping tells the career expert about the inherent ability of the student to learn or do certain tasks. However...See More Any career assessment process requires mapping of different aspects on a child's INHERENT make-up. Behavioral Scientists...See More
Why Career Assessments With No Reliability And Validity Should NOT Be Taken MapMyTalent is Valid And Reliable For Indian Context
Situation Based Aptitude Testing is that where the psychometric assessment is based on different situations that an indi...See More No psychometric test can be administered without some reliability value and validity value. It is unethical. Unless a te...See More
How Parents Should Approach Their Childs Career How Is MapMyTalent Assessment Different From Others
When you talk about career guidance, how will you tell a child what job is he / she suited for? You have to know what is...See More A test which is not having any reliability quotient or validity should not be used. It is unethical. A professional psyc...See More
Online Aptitude Test and Career Counselling Which is the best stream after class 10th
MapMyTalent has been tested and the reliability has been worked out on the Indian children, that too, on a particular ag...See More This requires a lot of awareness and education of the parents. Parents have to first give up the idea that I want my chi...See More
Why taking an aptitude test is so important before choosing a stream in class 11 Which stream is best to choose after class 10th
Factually speaking – there are 2 main reasons as to why MapMyTalent assessment is different and better from others –...See More Map My Talent offers career counselling to students and graduates on the basis of an online aptitude test and personalit...See More
What are aptitudes and interests What are the career options that will give me more money
Confused about what stream to choose after class 10th? Find out which is the best stream to take in class 11th....See More Aptitude test is one of the most powerful and important tools which helps students decide the right stream in class 11. ...See More
Should I pursue the career option of my choice or interest What is aptitude and why is it so important
Confused about what stream to choose in class 11? Wondering what to do after class 10th? MapMyTalent expert career couns...See More What is aptitude? What are interests? How these two are different from each other? Find out which of the two is more imp...See More
What are the career options after 12th humanities What are the career options after class 12th Biology
Everybody wants to get super rich super fast! So what is the right career that will make you super rich super fast? MapM...See More So many students have this confusion of whether they should pursue the career choice of their interest or should they fo...See More
Why is aptitude important for choosing a career What is personality and why is it important in career planning
Ever wondered about why aptitude is so important? Expert career counselor Dr. Anubhuti Sehgal answers the common query o...See More Humanities as a career option has always been under-appreciated and not given the due that it deserves. It is often beli...See More
What are the career options in commerce stream after class 12th When is the right time for taking career counselling
There are far too many career options in the field of biology other than just becoming a doctor. MapMyTalent expert care...See More Every career option requires a particular aptitude combination. Aptitude is one of the most important things for choosin...See More
Personality Development How to Improve Self Confidence Every Student is Unique and has got some TALENT
Personality assessment is one of the most important factors before making a career plan! If one chooses a career which i...See More Thousands of students take the commerce stream in class 11 and then struggle with the career options in commerce after c...See More
Secret to CAREER SUCCESS Find your RIGHT Career and Course for Extraordinary Success
Ever wondered whether it is too late to go for career counseling or is it still okay to change your career profile and m...See More Self confidence is probably one of the biggest weapons one can possess in the battle of life. But unfortunately, for man...See More
how to choose your right course Orthodontist
MapMyTalent truly believes that each individual has got some UNIQUE TALENTS and capabilities. Students who pursue Course...See More Knowing your self, your talent and your passion leads to extraordinary CAREER SUCCESS. A longitudinal career research cl...See More
Market Researcher Retail Sales Managers
MapMyTalent uses proprietary Online Aptitude Assessment, Personality Assessment and Interest Assessment and helps School...See More This video tells us about the career confusion that our school students and college students go through. It tells about ...See More
What Are The Various Methods Of Mapping Aptitudes How to choose the best career assessment test
There are various methods to map a child’s aptitude. One such way can be to make a child do different activities and t...See More There are various methods to map a child’s aptitude. One such way can be to make a child do different activities and t...See More
What are the career options after 12th science PCM Politician
So many career assessment tests are available in the market, and many of them are free career tests. But which one of th...See More So many career assessment tests are available in the market, and many of them are free career tests. But which one of th...See More
Petroleum Enginner Chemical Engineer
There are far too many career options that one can pursue after 12th science other than just engineering. Map My Talent ...See More There are various methods to map a child’s aptitude. One such way can be to make a child do different activities and t...See More