Yoga Instructor
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Yoga Instructor?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentPay & Remuneration
It has been a decade since yoga has been accepted in the fitness industry and more than Rs.2000 crore approximate gains are generated in the business of fitness. Therefore, the pay or remuneration in this field of Yoga Therapist is high if you are employed in any spas, gyms, fitness centres, etc. As the remuneration depends on the experience of the yoga trainer, the pay is also good for freshers and the inexperienced trainers too.
If you are an independent or personal yoga instructor, your earnings depends certain factors, like, number of clients, fees demanded by you and number of clients you teach each day. Normally, the charges per session are around Rs 400-Rs 500, i.e., Rs 20,000 a month for starters. If you are a professional of middle-level, you can get Rs 40,000-Rs 50,000 a month. For the experienced and senior trainers doing fulltime can earn around Rs 1 lakh per month.
Career Prospects
The acceptance of yoga has increased the demand of a Yoga Therapist and job prospects of these trainers are immense. You can start your career as a yoga instructor by learning few asanas, but requires experience in this field and once you have gained experience, the returns are high.
You can get employment in institutions, organizations, clubs, fitness centres, gymnasiums, etc. If you do not wish to join any institution, you can become a personal instructor. Being a personal instructor gives you the liberty of setting up timings and dates according to your choice.
Famous Personalities
T.K.V. Desikachar the co-founder of Krishmacharya Yoga Mandiram in India is a famous personality in this field.
T. Krishnamacharya is regarded as the founder of modern yoga and translated the ancient yogic texts and taught yoga postures to many people worldwide.
If you are not too inclined towards being a Yoga Trainer, then you can explore various other career options depending on the result of your Aptitude Test and Personality Test that you have taken at MapMyTalent. Here is list of careers that might interest you: