Film Director
Know if you can be a good Film Director?
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Film Director?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentCourses and Eligibility
Although getting a formal education is not compulsory in this field, it is advisable. Many directors have worked their way up in the film industry by learning on the job and by making mistakes. A course in film institute gives you technical skills and gives opportunity to refine your creativity. There are many types of courses available in Institutes across the country that train people in aspects of direction. Short term courses, graduation and Post graduate diplomas.
Course Fees
Satyajit Ray Film Institute charges Rs 40,500 in the first semester and 19,500 in the subsequent semesters. Private institutes charge a much higher fee.
Where To Study
- Film and Television Institute of India, Pune.
Course: 3 year Post Graduate Diploma in Direction; Eligibility: Graduate degree holders are eligible.
Course: 2 year Post Graduate Diploma in Art Direction and Production Design, Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture/ Painting / Applied Arts / Sculpture / Interior Design in or any related field in the Fine Arts or an equivalent qualification
Course:1 year Post Graduate Diploma in TV Direction;Eligibility: Graduate degree holders are eligible.
Admission is through All Indian level entrance test.
- Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata.
Courses Offered: 3 years PG Diploma in Cinema with specialization in Direction and Screenplay
- Whistling Woods International, Mumbai
Courses Offered: 2 years course in Direction.
- Zee Institute of Media arts, Mumbai
Courses Offered: Degree course in Film making, short term course in direction.
- Center for Research in Art of Film and Television (CRAFT), Delhi
Courses Offered: Offers 1 years PG Diploma In Direction.
- Asian Academy of Film and TV, Noida
Courses Offered: Three-month course