Medical Surgeon
These words of Dr. Vivek Sabharwal say it all about the duties and responsibilities of a Medical Surgeon.
Here's what we at mapmytalent know about Medical Surgeon as a career.
Medical Science is based upon two streams - medicine and surgery. Both have their own significance and that is why both types of doctors play a vital role in the field of medical science. A Medical Surgeon is specialist doctor who performs surgery. The surgical treatment is becoming more important these days because of the complexities of physical ailments. These doctors are skilled in cutting open the body parts and performing the operations.
The courses offered in medical sciences essentially are in two fields, namely Medicine and Surgery, and the Medical Surgeon is a specialist in surgery. He is a person who is responsible for removing the unwanted parts/organs from the human body which cause the ailments. The treatment of this kind is certainly very much technical and the surgeon needs to be very patient and composed before carrying out his operations.
A Medical Surgeon is trained in many specific branches of Surgery as human body can suffer from many types of physical ailments and that is why the branches of surgery changes for meeting these separate surgeries. Some of these branches are plastic surgery, cardio thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, cancer surgery, gastro intestinal surgery and endocrine surgery. These days, newer branches of surgery are also opening up as the complexities are growing. Different types of transplants, laparoscopic surgery, and other types of surgeries are put in this category. Some surgeries are done in an elaborate manner whereas some others are done with the help of micro surgeries.
Whatever be the type of surgery in the hands of a Medical Surgeon, he needs to be extremely careful about his responsibilities after taking the patient on the operation table. He must have a very clear idea of his task. Usually, any type of surgery is done in the high quality or superspeciality hospital or nursing home where a team of support staff assists him while performing the operations. A surgeon becomes expert with making more and more successful operations. However, the attitude of a surgeon play an important role in the entire process of operation as his patients have a deeper faith in him and his abilities on the operation table.
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