PEC University of Technology Chandigarh

College Name
PEC University of Technology Chandigarh
College Description

PEC University of Technology Chandigarh, formerly known as Punjab Engineering Colleg is a north-India premier college offering degree in engineering. Established in 1954, the institute was granted the status of Deemed University in 2004, thus making it no-longer affiliated to Panjab University.

Ranked 23rd amongst egneering colleges in India as per Outlook 2013 and Ranked 7th and 5th under super Excellence by CSR-GHRDC july 2011. 

University Name
Deemed University
PEC University of Technology, Sector-12 Chandigarh -160012
Speard over 146 acres of land, PEC is situated at the north-end on Chandigarh, close to the foothills of Shivalik mountains. The institute has tennis courts, squash courts, swimming pool, residences for the faculty, besides lecture halls, library, wifizon
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Premier Institute of North India.

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