Physicists have made some of the pivotal discoveries of the 20th century which have revolutionized the world (e.g. the transistor, the laser, splitting the atom, TV and radio, MRI scans. Anyone with aptitude and a lot of curiosity can think of career as physicist.
Physics offers challenging and exciting careers. As a career, physics covers many specialized fields -- from acoustics, astronomy, and astrophysics, medical physics, geophysics, and nuclear physics etc.
A physicist is a scientist who does research in physics. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena in many branches of physics. Physicists study the natural world, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. They do experiments to discover the laws of nature. They study what things are made of (matter) and how things behave. They also study energy. They learn how it changes from one form to another.
Some physicists focus on theories. They work on the fundamentals and use observation and mathematics to find the answers. Some physicists do experiments and verify use of theory in practice. Other physicists apply theories to practical problems. They might create advanced materials, new electronic and optical devices, or medical equipment. Physicists also design research equipment. Some of this equipment is used in surprising ways. For example, the first laser was created for research, but people later discovered that lasers could be used in surgery as well.
Most physicists work in research and development. Some do basic research to increase knowledge. Others do applied research. They take what is learned in basic research and use it to create new devices, products, and processes.
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