Physical Education Teacher / Sports Instructor
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Physical Education Teacher / Sports Instructor?
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Take MyTalentTM AssessmentCareer Prospects
The state and central government sports bodies and Sports authority of India offers huge opportunities for professionals in this field. Sports clubs, schools and colleges also offer opportunity for trained coaches and instructors. Many big companies also maintain sports facilities and require professional staff. Indian defence services and government are still the biggest employers.
With general awareness about sports arising, there is a growing demand for good professional coaches to coach kids of 5-18 years old. There are numerous after-school sports coaching academies run at various schools, stadium, and playground to impart professional training in sports of one's choice.
Famous Personalities
Satyajit Chaurasia - Satyajit Chaurasia is the founder of Barbarian Gym, which is located at Mumbai, New Delhi, and Nagpur. Satyajit Chourasia is the physical trainer of several celebrities including Aamir Khan and Hrithik Roshan. Apart from the film stars Satyajit Chaurasia has also trained a four and half year old child Ronak Vitha. Under Satyajit guidance, Ronak could do 1450 push-ups in 40 minutes and set a record and now he is popular all over India for making such record at so young age.
A Day in Life
A typical day in life of PE Teacher / Sports Instructor would include taking PE classes, organising sports and athletics meets. The work also includes maintenance of the sports facilities of the school or the organisation where one is working. The incumbent also see that while the games are on proper security precautions are taken and players play in proper attire and with safety gears. Last but not the least, train the students in various rules and regulations of the games. One may also accompany the teams whenever they go out to play.
In case you think that Physical Education is not the Career Option for you, then you check from the other available Career Options available on our webportal
Also one must always remember to take Aptitude Test and Personality Test to find which careers are suitable and fitting well for the person.
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