— Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
This quote pretty well sums up what a counselor does - helps other people by listening to their words and of course by guiding them.
What do counselors do?
Counselors are professionals who help people to explore their feelings and emotions and work towards their life situations, mental health and career issues. They listen attentively and help the clients define their problems. Basically the clients reflect on what is happening to them and then help them find alternative ways of doing things. Counselors provide a confidential setting for the clients and empathize with them. He/she helps the client express their feelings and perhaps understand themselves from a different perspective. Their objective is to reduce the confusion and enable them to cope with challenges or to make positive changes in their life where necessary. Generally counselors do not give advice, but help clients to make their own choices but many may advice on any further investigations or therapies needed. There is also no clear distinction between the terms counseling and psychotherapy, and both can encompass a range of talking therapies. Counselors usually specialize and work in particular fields like student guidance, relationship guidance, addiction, sexual abuse or health.
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