
If Not Chartered Accountancy, Then What?

May 1, 2013,
If Not Chartered Accountancy, Then What?

A report by one of the leading national dailies – The Hindu, stated that each year, more than 1 lakh students appear for the CPT exam conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). However, of these 1 lakh students, a very small percentage of students are able to clear the exam. The percentage is even smaller for students who are able to complete all the levels fo CA course. If you are struggling in the CA course or are considering other options after commerce Click Hereto know your options or Call 9650338746 to book appointment with our counsellor  

While one of the major reasons for such a poor pass percentage for the CPT exam is that many students don’t take the exam too seriously, however, if one were to dig deeper, one would understand that the real cause behind a student’s inability to clear the exam is much more than just their lack of seriousness towards the exam.

But before we get into that, let us take a case scenario of a student, let’s call this student Pooja, who has been studying and striving really hard to become a CA, but unfortunately, she is not able to clear the entrance or other exams.

Pooja represents just many of the other 1 lakh students who appear for the exam each year. She studies sincerely, attends coaching classes all day long, doesn’t socialize much, stays focused in her books, and is striving really hard with a single minded determination to become a CA.

However, when the results of her CPT exam are declared, she is shocked, shattered and devastated to know that she didn't clear her exam. All kinds of negative emotions overpower her – low self esteem, low self confidence, low energy, loss of faith in her own self, comparison to other friends who have cleared the exam, guilt of letting her parents down, fear of being an unsuccessful person, complete disorientation from life, and complete pessimism.

With some motivation and encouragement from her friends and family, she is able to get back to her studies and pushes herself even more into her studies to prepare herself better for the second attempt of the CPT exam. She leaves no stone un-turned this time round. However, when the results are declared, much to her shock and dismay, she is still not able to clear the exam.

What do you think could be the reason? Is it that she has not put in enough number of hours for studying? Clearly that’s not the case. Do you think she has not been doing quality study? If her sincerity and dedication are anything to go by, then clearly that’s not the case either. Is she not intelligent enough to clear the exam? (We are ignoring the psychological concept here that in reality, there is no such thing as being "intelligent enough") Well that cannot be, because she has been scoring a first division in her B.Com exams and has been an 80 per center all throughout her school life. Then where is the problem? Why is Pooja not able to clear the exams?

The reason for this is that Pooja has a different aptitude and personality which will benefit her in another career. Aptitude helps us to learn; so if one has the required aptitude, one can learn faster and better. That is why Pooja is perhaps taking more time in grasping the same thing.

The right thing for Pooja to do will be to first identify who she is, what is her aptitude, personality and interest, and what are her inherent strengths. Rather than criticizing her own self or doubting her intelligence or feeling helpless about the situation, she needs to take things in her control by analyzing her personality and aptitude. This can be done through the MapMyTalent “My Talent” aptitude test and personality test.

Once Pooja takes the test, she will be given proper career guidance as to what will be the best suited career options for her, what are the various other careers that she can explore which will match her inherent strengths, and, she will be given proper career advice for what course she should apply for.

If, however, Pooja is determined to make a career in finance only, then she can do B.Com / M.Com and thereafter become a cost accountant. She can also get into banking and insurance.

If you too are stuck in the CA maze and if you are aspiring to be a CA, before stepping into the career, it is very crucial that you ask yourself the following questions -



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