How to Study in Exams
February 6, 2013,

Over the last few days we have received a large number of queries from students related to how to manage studies and how to finish the syllabus now that exams are just a few days away.
Managing stress in exams is probably one of the biggest challenges that almost all students face during their student life. Some students seem to be experts at managing their syllabus well and finishing their course on time while many others always seem to be struggling with time management, peer pressure, family pressure, future career path confusion, and what not.
To address these most common queries of students, that is, how to balance all the subjects out, how to manage time, how to prevent oneself from getting distracted, how to stop wasting time, how to stay focused, how to improve one’s concentration skills, and so on and so forth, one of our counselors (who has had an outstanding academic record and has received Gold Medals three times in Graduation and Post Graduation levels) shares some tips on how she cracked the school and college exams with ease and ended up getting pretty awesome marks. Read on –
"When I was giving my tenth boards, my exam schedule was prominently displayed in my room and all the books and notes were arranged as per that. All my textbooks and notes were arranged in a sequence as per my exam schedule. How this helped was that through this activity, I did not have to do any last minute running around looking for my books and notes as everything was under one roof at one place. This slightly time consuming activity at the beginning of my exam preparation duration helped in saving a lot of time later on, which I diligently applied towards studying more."
"I managed my time well, although people laughed at me as I spent a lot of time in planning and arranging things for my exams, believe me, the time was well spent and I actually got real good marks and distinction in all the subjects (even the school topper scored less than me in few subjects)"
"For revision, I assigned maximum amount of time to the most difficult parts of the syllabus. Each day I revised different chapters with different difficulty levels."
"Whenever I felt that I was behind schedule, I disciplined myself and made up for it by cutting on my TV time (On an average, I used to keep 30 minutes for TV everyday and some time for playing/ walking outdoor to refresh myself.)"
"Every little thing that I felt I could need in order for me to study continuously for some hours, I used to keep all those things (water, food, books, pen, notebook, etc) on my table and firmly told myself, "I am not going to get up till I complete this""
"My love for fresh fruits and nuts helped my keep high energy levels and also in concentrating better." That is, it is important to eat healthy food during exams and avoid junk food, as the food we eat will decide our energy levels and how alert and active we are able to stay for long hours.
"Since I prepared well and managed my time well (being disciplined and strict with myself actually helped a lot), I was very confident before the exams. And because I was confident, I did not panic looking at the question paper. Even if there were any questions which I had not studied or revised, I managed to answer them well too using other principals and logic related to that concept that I had studied before. This ensured that I left no question unanswered and managed to write meaningful answers for all questions."
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