Top Colleges BA Psychology/B Sc Psychology


If you want to study psychology after 12th then there are a few options available for you. You can opt for B.A Psychology, B.Sc Psychology or 5 year integrated MA psychology. There are many colleges in India which offer B.A in psychology and B.Sc in Psychology. Duration of both the course is of 3 years.

Difference between B.A. Psychology / B.Sc in Psychology

There is not much difference between the two courses as the main subjects are the same. Students studying Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Hons will be studying psychology in a little more depth whereas students studying Bachelor of Science in Psychology will be studying Statistics and Research Methodology along with psychology. Students having more interest in mathematics and reasoning can pursue B.Sc in psychology without any difficulty, and those who are inclined more towards arts side shall choose B.A in psychology.

Top Colleges for psychology in Delhi/ NCR

Lady Shriram College ( Delhi University ) ( NAAC A + ) Offers BA Psychology Hons  and BA Program with psychology and other subjects. 

Kamla Nehru College for Women, ( Delhi University ) ( NAAC A Grade ) Offers BA Psychology Hons and BA program .

Indarprastha College for Women ( Delhi University )Offers BA Psychology Hons 

Gargi College ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Zakir Hussain Delhi college ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Keshav Mahavidyalaya ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons 

Bhim Rao Ambedkar ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Jesus & Mary ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Ambedkar College BA Hons Applied Psychology

Aryabhatta College ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Daulat Ram College ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Mata Sundri College ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Ramanujan College BA Hons Applied Psychology ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Sri Aurbindo Eve college BA Hons Applied Psychology ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Shyama Prasad Mukherjee college for Women BA Hons Applied Psychology ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Vivekanada College BA Hons Applied Psychology ( Delhi University ) Offers BA Applied Psychology Hons

Ambedkar University Delhi Offers BA Honours with major in Psychology 

Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi Offers BA Psychology Hons. 


Top colleges that offer B.Sc in Psychology

Little Flower Institute of Social Science & Health Kozhikode, Kerela  (offers B.Sc and M.Sc )

Tripura University Agartala, Tripura (offers M.Sc )

Amal College of Advanced Studies Kerela (offers B.Sc)

Annamalai University ( Offers five year intergrated M.Sc in Clinical Psychology and M. Sc in applied psychology)

Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu ( offers B.Sc )

Bhagwati Educational Trust(MKV Academic Centre), Chandigarh ( offers B.Sc, M.Sc)

Dev Sanskriti vishwavidyalaya Haridwar, Uttrakhand (offers B.A, B.Sc, M.A, M.Sc)

Dr. Ghanshayam Singh Post Graduate College Varanasi , Uttar Pardesh offers ( B.A and B.Sc)

Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, West Bengal ( offers B.Sc)

Dr. M.G.R Janaki College OF Arts and Science for Women Chennai, Tamil Nadu  (offers B.Sc )


Top Colleges for BA Psychology in Chandigarh 

GGDSD College, Chandigarh offers BA with psychology (120 seats)(50 seats in Hons in 2nd year). Also offers courses in Guidance and counselling and on Child psychology.

DAV College Offers BA and MA Psychology

MCM DAV College for Women offers BA Psychology, MA Psychology


Top Colleges for BA Psychology in Bangalore

Mt Carmel College, Banagalore offers BA with psychology . psychology, sociology and economics combination,

Christ University Bangalore offers BA with psychology with sociology and economics combination and Benarghatta Campus offers B Sc Psychology Hons course. The admission is through Christ University entrance test. 

St Joseph's college, Bangalore ( NAAC A ++) offers BA Psychology, English and Journalism, Psychology, English Literature, Journalism (PyEJ), Psychology, English Literature, Economics (PyEE) , Psychology, English Literature, Communication Studies (PyEC) Psychology, Physical Education, Tourism (PyPT). Admission on the basis of entrance test conducted in April.Questions will be based on Current affairs, General Knowledge, English language skills, aptitude for Psychology. The college also offers M Sc Psychology ( For this course Psychology as a subject is comulsory in graduation). Admission to M Sc Psychology is based on entrance test. 

Indian Institute of Psychology and Research, Bangalore ( NAAC A Grade) offers BA psychology, marketing and economics, BA Psycholgy, Journalism and Women studies, BA Psychology Journalism and Optional English. 

Garden City University Bangalore Offers BA Journalism, Psychology, English) and M Sc Psychology

Presidency College Bangalore ( NAAC A +) Offers BA Journalism, Psychology and Optional English)


Top Colleges for BA Psychology in Mumbai

Sophia College

Ruia College

SNDT University

Jai Hind College

Xaviers College

Top Colleges for BA Psychology in Chennai

Stella Maris

Loyalla College

Madras Christian College

Ethiraj College for Girls

Top Colleges for psychology in Hyderabad

University of Hyderabad, Central University offers 5 year integrated M Sc Health psychology. 

Top Colleges of BA Psychology in Gujarat

St Xaviers college, Ahmadabad offers BA psychology and Diploma program in counselling.

Gujarat University Various colleges offer BA Psychology Ahmedabad Arts & Comm.College (80 seats) , B D Arts College for Girls ( 65 seats), Bhavan‘s R A College of Arts & Commerce ( 15 seats in English Medium and 35 seats in Gujarati medium), C U Arts College 78 seats in Gujarati medium, L D Arts College 30 seats in english mediaum, S V Arts College 30 seats in Gujarati medium.

Sardar Patel University, Gujarat . Offers MA psychology There are 40 seats and the admission is through entrance test. Offers BA Psychology and admission is through entrance exam.

MSU Baroda University Offers BA Psychology, PG Diploma in Clinical and Applied Hypnosis, P G Diploma in Guidance and counselling. 

Top colleges for BA Psychology / MA Psychology in Goa are: 

St Xaviers college of Arts, Science and commerce, Goa offers  BA psychology and Diploma program in counselling.

Carmel college of Arts Science and commerce for women, Goa  offers BA psychology

Dempo Charities Trust Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Goa  offers BA psychology

Parvatibai Chowgule college of Arts and Science, Goa  offers BA psychology

Top colleges for BA Psychology / B Sc Psychology / MA Psychology Kerala

ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), DEVAGIRI KOZHIKODE, KERALA, INDIA Re-accredited with A++ Grade by NAAC Offers B Sc Psychology with papers in Physiology and Statistics. 

Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous)Rajagiri P.O,Kalamassery, Cochin (NAAC A Grade ) Offers BSc(Psychology), M Sc Psychology Eligibility Criteria and Selection Process: The minimum eligibility needed to apply for BSc Psychology is a pass in Plus Two equivalent. The candidates who qualify the minimum eligibility criteria will be called for a Personal Interview. The admission to BSc Psychology is based on the marks secured in the qualifying examination and personal interview.

Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram ( NAAC A Grade ) Offers M Sc in Counselling Psychology , PG Diploma in Counselling

ST. TERESA’S COLLEGE (Autonomous) ( NAAC A grade ) Ernakulam, Cochin Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Offers B.Sc. Psychology Human with papers in Physiology, Statistics ( 50 seats )Eligibility  Pass in +2 exam (Any stream)

Farook College ( Autonomous ) Kozhikode ( NAAC A grade )  Offers B Sc psychology ( 36 seats ) 

Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram ( NAAC A grade ) Offers B Sc psychology 

Top Colleges for psychology in Kolkata

Presidency College

Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan

Loretto College

Bethune College

Jogmaya Devi College

Gokhale Memorial Girl's College

Syllabus of BA Psychology offered by Delhi University

 The  syllabus will be including (Ref from Delhi University syllabus BA ) semester 1 General Psychology, Statistics (Descriptive) along with a qualifying subject, Semester 2 Physiological Psychology, Psychological Testing, in 3rd semester Research Methodology both theory and practical, 4th semester Systems in Psychology, Social Psychology, Inferential Statistics, 5th semester will be having Abnormal and Developmental Psychology, Organizational Behavior, 6th semester will have an extension of Abnormal Psychology, Health Psychology, and a practical will be accompanied in either semester in a year, along with one additional subject in each semester.

Bangalore university- offers both BA (one can take either of these options- a) Performing arts, English or b)Journalism, English or c)Communicative English, English or  d)Sociology, English or E)Sociology, Economics and all these options are in combination with psychology) and BA Hons. in psychology. For post graduation they offer M.Sc in Counseling, Clinical Psychology and Human Resource Development and Management.

Syllabus of B Sc psychology offered by Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences and Health

In the 1st semester Basic Psychological Processes, Physiological Psychology, Psychological Statistics, for 2nd semester Advanced Psychological Processes, for 3rd semester Human Development and in 2nd and 3rd sem you'll be also be studying Physiological Psychology and Psychological Statistics, 4th semester Social Behavior, 5th sem Abnormal, Experimental, Counseling Psychology and one project, in the finally sem you'll be studying Health, Developmental, Abnormal, Counseling, Experimental Psychology, along with Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development, and one project along with some extra subjects in each semester like language( English), or some social science subject( sociology.. etc).

Career Options after BA Psychology

The scope of psychology is immense. We are all are humans and we have to deal with other people all the time. This is a subject with which each and every one can connect. In the recent past lot of options in counseling have become very popular and current trend is seen in the face of career counselors who are helping many people around and across the world in realizing their true potential. You can also choose a career as a school counselor, clinical psychologist, forensic psychologist, and engineering psychologist after going for M.A/ M.Sc or after completing the relevant P G Diploma. There are many integrated courses also which are offered by some of the institutes like M.Sc in clinical psychology with specialization in clinical settings, M.Sc in counseling psychology with specialization in counseling and likewise there are many integrated courses. If you have already decided the area of your specialization you can also go for the integrated courses.       



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