Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)Pusa, New Delhi

College Name
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi
College Description

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is India's premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension established in New Delhi in 1934. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Institute. 

University Name
Deemed University
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi -110012
The present campus of IARI is a self-contained aesthetically laid out sylvan complex spread over an area of about 500 ha. The beautiful clock-towered building of the Central Library of the Institute constitutes the focal point of the campus around which s
More about the Institute

Before IARI became a 'Deemed to-be University', up to 1957, students numbering 903 were awarded Associateship of IARI, which was recognized as equivalent to the M.Sc. degree of Indian universities. The Institute has, till February 2013, awarded Ph.D. degrees to 4332 students, M.Sc. degrees to 3457 students and M.Tech. degree to 8 students. In addition to the students from all parts of the country, 327 students from foreign countries have also received their degrees from the Institute. The Institute has also imparted training in specialized areas of agricultural sciences through training programmes funded by the ICAR, DBT, DST and other organizations. A large number of persons have received training at IARI in areas like agricultural physics, microbiology, molecular science, plant pathology, soil science, and water science and technology. The Institute has introduced Best Faculty Awards for excellence in teaching. 86 scientists of the Institute have been awarded the Best Faculty Awards till 2013 for their untiring efforts in improving the teaching in different subjects.

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