
How To Have An Ideal Job

April 17, 2013,
How To Have An Ideal Job

Look around yourself at the people in your life and think about this - how many people do you know who are actually happy about and enjoying their jobs? We thought as much... probably only a handful. It is a common and well researched fact that almost 80% of the people are stressed at their work places. This means that even you, in most likelihood, belong to that 80% category of unhappy people at the workplace.

Why do you think is the common cause of employees feeling unhappy with their jobs?

Number one reason for this is that these unhappy employees are complete misfits in the work that they are doing.

So who really is a career misfit?

In simple terms, a career misfit is that person who is doing a job which does not match his interest, aptitude and personality. Mostly, people take up that job which "interests" them. For example: I have an interest in being a fashion designer, so I take admission in a fashion designing institute and eventually slog all my life in an unsuccessful and struggling fashion business. Or perhaps I have an interest in writing, so I take up a job in advertising or journalism or a publishing house. But despite my "interest" and all my hard work and effort and sincerity, I am still slogging all my hours in an "unsuccessful career".

Another major problem is the "herd mentality" widely prevalent in society. Many people (and this includes parents) think that just because someone else is doing well in a particular career then they or their child must also get into that career in order to lead a successful life. For example: neighbor's son has established a successful career as an investment banker. So the parent pushes their child to get into investment banking too. What many people fail to understand is that somebody else's success in something does not mean everyone else also will be successful in that same thing.

And the third major reason is "ignorance" and "lack of awareness" about career options available. Many people (including well qualified ones) are simply ignorant of the vast number of career opportunities available in our country and how lucrative they can be. People generally go by the age-old tried and tested career options like engineering, medicine, lawyer, teacher, and banker to name a few. These careers are often times wrongly assumed to be "safe careers" and thereby, kids are forced and pushed into taking up these courses and jobs despite their zero interest, zero aptitude or zero personality for such a career.

So what really is the solution? How can one ensure not to get caught up in this trap of an unhappy career? How to find that ideal happy job?

As a first step, everyone must remove the three hurdles mentioned above from their mindset. People must understand that just "interest" in a particular job will not guarantee a happy job. Interests are fleeting in nature and keep changing from moment to moment. What one likes today, may not like tomorrow. Also, people must overcome their "herd mentality" and "ignorance" about career options.

The next important step will be to understand and clearly know what is ones aptitude, personality and interest. Many times people are not sure as to what interests them. That is why a proper analysis must be done of all three, only then a fair judgment can be made about the "best fit" career. One can know about their aptitude, personality and interest through a scientifically developed psychometric test.

Psychometric tests help in measuring the aptitude and personality of an individual through standardized procedures and an expert career counselor helps in understanding the results of the test in a better way and then gives career guidance to the individual on to the best suited career path.

So now, don't jump to hasty conclusions about career decisions. Take an aptitude test and personality test available at MapMyTalent then take a well-informed decision about what career or course you must get into.



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