Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

College Name
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
College Description

VIT University, established under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956, was founded in 1984 as a self-financing institution called the Vellore Engineering College. The Union Ministry of Human Resources Development conferred University status on Vellore Engineering College in 2001.

VIT became the first university in India to seek and receive accreditation for its engineering programs from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and the Energy Institute, United Kingdom in 2004. 


University Name
VIT University
University Description

VIT University obtained the highest possible grade of "A" from NAAC for all the programs offered by the University during the re-accreditation process in January 2009.
Programmes at VIT have been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
Programmes of VIT have been accredited by the Institution of Engineers, India (IEI).
The university offers 18 Undergraduate and 35 Postgraduate programmes. In addition to full-time/part-time Ph.D., M.S.(BY RESEARCH) Degrees in Engineering and Management Disciplines, Ph.D., M.Phil in Sciences and Languages, Integrated Ph.D. programmes also offered for engineering disciplines in selected schools.

Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamilnadu
Vellore and Chennai
More about the Institute

ABET, 111 Market Place, Ste. 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, USA ( has accredited the following engineering programs at VIT University, Vellore, India:

B.Tech. - Mechanical Engineering

B.Tech. – Civil Engineering

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering 

B.Tech - Electronics and Communication Engineering

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