UTI Institute of Capital Market,Navi Mumbai

College Name
UTI Institute of Capital Market,Navi Mumbai
College Description

The Indian Institute of Capital Markets (IICM) was established in 1989 by the erstwhile, Unit Trust of India as UTI Institute of Capital Markets. IICM has emerged as one of the premier institutes of the securities markets in Asia. The Institute has contributed significantly to the development of Indian capital markets by conducting policy research, offering executive education programmes and providing advisory service to the market intermediaries in India and other developing markets.

University Name
University of Mumbai
Indian Institute of Capital Markets, IICM Formerly UTI Institute of Capital Markets UTI House, Post Box. No. 99, Plot No. 82, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
"The Institute has a professionally managed library that holds a highly specialised collection of books, journals, reports and a number of printed databases to support the Institute's SMP training, research programmes, professional development programme a
More about the Institute

The UTI Institute of Capital Markets (UTI ICM) came into being as part of UTI in the sprawling, modern, new millennium city, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. It was inaugurated by the then Hon'ble Union Finance Minister Prof. Madhu Dandavate on June 22, 1990. The institute offers many Diploma and Certificate courses. Subsequently, the name of the Institute was changed to Indian Institute of Capital Markets reflecting its changed profile in its quest to become an institute of national importance.

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