Thapar University, Patiala

College Name
Thapar University
College Description

Thapar University formerly known as Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala was founder by Karam Chand Thapar in 1956.It is the top-ranked technical institute of north-India and is also the first institute in Punjab that started admitting students exclusively through AIEEE. It was granted complete autonomous status, thus making it a deemed university in 1985. NAAC, an Autonomous Institution of UGC, has reaccredited Thapar University and award A Grade.

University Name
Deemed University
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, P.O. Box-32 Patiala Punjab - 147004
Spread over 250-acres of land in Patiala.
More about the Institute

The Thapar University is today recognized among the leading privately managed engineering institutions of the country and the best of its kind in the north-western region of India.
Science and Technology Entrepreneur’s Park (STEP) has been established jointly by Thapar University and DST, Govt. of India. Thapar University has impressively grown in size and activities during the last five decades of its existence. Nearly 10,500 engineers have left its portals so far, distinguishing themselves as proud Thaparians in diverse fields in our country and aboard. As a fitting recognition of its pioneering role in promoting the growth and development both at National and International levels, Thapar University was granted full autonomy and the status of a Deemed University in 1985 UGC.

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