S.Naidu School of Art and Communication, Hyderabad
No of seats-10
Bachelor's degree with at least 55% marks in Communication / Journalism; OR Bachelor's degree in any subject with at least 55% marks in aggregate
No of seats-15
Bachelor's degree with at least 55% marks in Communication / Journalism; OR Bachelor's degree in any subject with at least 55% marks in aggregate
No of seats-15
Bachelor's degree with at least 55% marks in Communication / Journalism; OR Bachelor's degree in any subject with at least 55% marks in aggregate
M. Phil degree in the subject concerned and Master's degree in the subject concerned with at least 55% marks; OR Master's degree in the subject concerned with at least 55% marks with two years teaching experience in a degree college or two years of teaching/research experience in the subject concerned in a University department or a recognised institute of higher learning or qualified in UGC JRF/RGNF/MANF OR Master's degree with at least 60% marks in any subject with 2 years of teaching experience in a degree college or two years of teaching/research experience in the subject concerned or closely related area in a University department or recognized institute of higher learning or a minimum of 3 publications in a recognized refereed journal in the subject in which admission is sought. Note: The concerned subjects are Communication or Journalism