SASTRA (Deemed University), Thanjavur

College Name
SASTRA (Deemed University), Thanjavur
College Description

The dreams of its founding fathers took shape in 1984 in the form of Shanmugha College of Engineering which is now renamed, SHANMUGHA ARTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH ACADEMY [SASTRA].
The Institution of Engineers (India) has accredited all eligible B.Tech courses offered by SASTRA.
M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. has accredited SASTRA with A grade (Highest) putting SASTRA in the elite company of premier institutes.

University Name
Sastra University
University Description

As a University, SASTRA has been re-accredited with GRADE 'A' by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission.

SASTRA UNIVERSITY Tirumalaisamudram Thanjavur - 613401. Tamilnadu
More about the Institute

Shanmugha College of Engineering now renamed, SHANMUGHA ARTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH ACADEMY [SASTRA] has carved a niche for itself as a Centre for fostering and developing the body, mind and sprit of its students. SASTRA is totally committed to this three - fold flowering of the students entrusted to its care. Its blend of academic excellence and real world experience with moral values has earned SASTRA, national recognition. A sprawling campus housing a built-up area of over 25,00,000 square feet and a vibrant population of over 9,000 students and over 700 teaching faculty have made SASTRA a landmark in the educational map of India. SASTRA offers various undergraduate and post graduate courses in A9besides various Doctoral programmes and has state-of-the-art laboratories, a well stocked library and one of the best computing facilities. With an ideal teacher-taught ratio, we strive for academic excellence through personalized attention. The mechanism established to support and monitor the student's progress assure success and satisfaction. The infrastructural facilities at SASTRA can match with the world-class standards. The state-of-the-art facilities and fully equipped laboratories stand a testimony to this claim. The library with its multi-crore funded resources, both print and electronic, is a big support to the research and teaching-learning process in this institution in the knowledge era. The library subscribes to online journal databases like Science Direct, IEEE, ACME, ASME, SCE, EBSCO, SCOPUS, CRCnetBASE and DELNET providing full-text access to over 3,400 scientific, technical and management journals and bibliographic database of over 17,000 journals. It also subscribes to PROQUEST Digital Dissertation database which offers access to over 550,000 Ph.D. dissertations. The annual subscription to online databases is worth over Rs. 54 lakhs. SASTRA University library is the only University in India to purchase the entire suite of Springer’s electronic collection of full-text books at a cost of Rs.45,00,000. In addition SASTRA subscribes to e-Brary. Both e-Brary and Springer offer access to over 45,000 full-text e-books. The entire campus is networked with a 1 GB fibre-optic cable and is Wi-Fi enabled to provide wireless access to the 366 Mbps internet leased line for the students and faculty. Campus-wide wireless connectivity has been implemented at a cost of over Rs. 35 lakhs providing a wire-less seamless internet connectivity to anybody and anywhere in the campus. This facility is the first of its type in the country and the biggest installation by Siemens in entire Asia-Pacific. Important lectures are recorded using the Tegrity cart and is uploaded in the server & also maintained in the library for use by all the stakeholders. Students and faculty members are provided with Network Attached Storage facility which is platform-independent and is accessible throughout the campus. Who's Online We have 222 guests online act +A10, India. Phone +91 4362 264101- 108, 304000-010.Telefax +91 4362 264120.Email more..

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