Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

B.Sc. (Agriculture (Hons.)/ B.Sc. Biotechnology

No of seat-187 (GEN)/ 8 (Nominated by ICAR)

PAU Offers 4 yr Bsc Hons and 6 year B.Sc  Agriculture (Hons.)  and 4 year B.Sc Bio tech

Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent in Science/Agriculture withPhysics, Chemistry and Mathematics/ Biology/ Agriculture with atleast 50% marks in aggregate;

For the 6 year course Matriculation or equivalent with at least 65% marks in aggregate in compulsory subjects.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The admission is through Common Entrance Test (CET) /Agricultural Aptitude Test (AAT). 

Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,000

B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 6 yr on the basis of 2 yr certificate course

No of seats-15

Two year certificate course in Agriculture, Gurdaspur with an OCPA of 6.50 out of 10.00 on the basis of merit (B.Sc Agri (Hons. 6 yr on the basis of 2 yr certificate course).

Entrance and Admission requirements
Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,000

B.Tech (Food Technology)

No of seats-40 Duration of the course 4 years

(GEN)/ 8 (Nominated by ICAR) 10+2 or equivalent in Science with at least 50% marks in aggregate.

Entrance and Admission requirements

Admission is through CET. 

Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 46,585 per year. 

M.Sc. Agri

No of seats-89 (GEN)/ 27 (Nominated by ICAR)

Offered in following disciplines (Agronomy, Agro-meteorology, Extension Education, Entomology, Food Science & technology - Food Technology, Horticulture – Pomology, Floriculture & Landscaping, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Vegetable Crops, Forestry)

Entrance and Admission requirements

The admissions are throughMasters Entrance Test (MET-Agri. )

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800 per year.

M.Sc. Biotechnology

No of seats-10(GEN)/3(Nominated by ICAR)

Eligibility B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotech/ B.Sc. Biotech 4year/ B.Tech. Biotech 4year/ B.Sc.Agri. (Hons.)/B.Sc. Medical/ B.Sc. Biochemistry/ B.Sc. Molecular Biology/ B.Sc. Microbiology/ B.Sc. Horti./B.Sc. Forestry/ B.Sc. Botany/B.Sc. Biotech. (Students of 3 years graduation programmes will have to take deficiency courses as per requirements).

(B.Sc. Biotech. (Hons.) 4-year student can apply for only one discipline of MET-Agri.)

Entrance and Admission requirements

Admission is through MET-Biotech

Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800

B.Tech (Agriculture Engg.)

No of seats-52 (GEN)/ 8 (Nominated by ICAR)

10+2 (Non-Medical Group) or equivalent with at least 50% marks in aggregate.

Entrance and Admission requirements

Admission through JEE Mains conducted by CBSE and counselling by PTU Kapurthala.


Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 24,000


No of seats-31 (GEN)/ 6 (Nominated by ICAR)

M Tech is offered in following disciplines (Civil Engineering (Hydrology & Water Resources Engg./ Structural Engg.,Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, Computer Sc & Engg., Processing & Food Engg., Soil & Water Engg.,

Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in Civil/Agril. Engg. or a related field of Engg.; B.Sc.Engg./B.Tech./B.E. in Computer Science/ Electronics/Electrical; Bachelor of Engineering or Technology in Agril./ Mechanical/Chemical / Electrical Engg./ Food Engineering or equivalent degree.

Graduates in any discipline are eligibel for MCA.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.


Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800

M. Tech Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System (GIS))

No of seats-20

Bachelor of Engineering or Technology in Agricultural Engineering/Aerospace Engineering/Information Technology /Computer Science Engg./Electronics & Communication/Civil Engg/ Water Resources Engg./ Mining Engg / Mineral Engg./ Petroleum Engg. or Master’s degree in Environment/ Sciences/Earth Sciences/ Remote Sensing/ Geo- informatics/Geography/ Geology/Physics/ Mathematics/ Computer Sciences/ Information Technology/ Agricultural Sciences/Forestry.

Entrance and Admission requirements

No entrance test

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800


No of seats-65

Graduate in any discipline.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 23,000

M.Sc (5yr Integrated) Hons. (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology)

No of seats-65

10+2 or equivalent in science with at least 50% marks in aggregate.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 34,935 (4 semesters)

Master in Journalism and Mass Communication

No of seat-5

Graduate in any stream with OCPA of 6.00 out of 10.00 or 60% marks or second class Master’s degree or second class graduate with Diploma in Journalism.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 19,965

M.Sc. (Agri. Economy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Sociology, Physics)

No of seats-87 (GEN)/ 12 (Nominated by ICAR)

B.Sc.Agri./B.Sc. Agri. (Hons.) or B.A. with Honours in Economics or B.A. with Economics (at least 60% marks in the subject)/B.Sc. (Ag. Maco)/B.Com.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800

B.Sc (Hons.) H.Sc., Fashion Designing, Nutrition & Dietetics

No of seats-82 (GEN)/ 8 (Nominated by ICAR)

10+2 (Science/ Commerce/ Arts) with atleast 50%-45% marks in aggregate

Entrance and Admission requirements

No entrance test. 

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 18,300/ Rs. 14,640

M.Sc. (Apparel & Textile Science, Food & Nutrition, Family Resource Mgt., Home Science Extension & Communication Management, Human Development)

No of seats-21 (GEN)/ 6 (Nominated by ICAR)

The minimum qualifications for admission to all masters’ programmes of Home Science (other than inservice candidates) shall be B.Sc. (H.Sc) with an OCPA of 6.00 or 60% marks or equivalent.

Entrance and Admission requirements

MET-Home Science

Admissions done in accordance with the university norms and the merit of the entrance exam.

Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800

M.Tech (Fashion Designing)

No of seats-6

B.Sc. (Hons.) Fashion Designing/B.Sc. Fashion Designing with minimum OCPA of 6.00 out of 10.00 or 60% marks or equivalent.

Entrance and Admission requirements


Course Fee and Scholorships

Rs. 8,800

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