National Law University (NLU), Jodhpur

College Name
NLU, Jodhpur
College Description

National Law University-Jodhpur (NLUJ) is one of India’s leading national law university. Students passing out from NLUJ work in top law firms in India and abroad, some practice in courts and while some have entered the field of legal academics. NLUJ students have studied further on prestigious scholarships at leading Universities in the world including Harvard, Yale, Oxford, LSE and King’s.

NH-65, Nagour Road, Mandore, Jodhpur - 342304 (Raj.) - INDIA
More about the Institute

National Law University-Jodhpur (NLUJ) is one of India’s leading national law university, It was established in year 1999. NLUJ attracts top quality students coming from diverse social, cultural and religious backgrounds from all corners of India. The University has developed a holistic approach towards understanding law and justice from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The University offers unique five year integrated undergraduate programs i.e. B.B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); B.Sc., LL.B.(Hons.) to generate especially skilled global legal professionals. These integrated programs offer unique and highly demanding honors courses in various facets of Law such as Constitutional Law, Business Law, Trade Law, International Law, Criminal Law and Intellectual Property Rights Law.
The University’s two year LL.M. programs in Corporate Laws and IPR & Technology Laws aims to harness young talent for achieving the pinnacle of legal perfection. The University also offers LL.D. and Ph.D. programs in the quest for attaining excellence in higher education.
NLUJ boasts of a dynamic faculty having both experienced and young academicians coming from diverse backgrounds and drawn from almost all corners of India. The faculty members of NLUJ have studied at leading universities in India and abroad. The academicians at NLUJ have published their research in leading international and national refereed journals and are constantly involved in delivering quality teaching and undertaking bold experiments in pedagogy. Many reputed international scholars from leading universities including Harvard and Max Planck visit NLUJ on research and teaching assignments.

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