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National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Hyderabad

College Name
National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management
College Description

NITHM is a Government Institute and is promoted by the Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh. Dr YSR National Institue of Tourism and Hospitality Management began academic operations in October 2004 and formally inaugurated by the INC President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi on 16th March 2005. It is located in the Business and Education hub of Hyderabad at Gachibowli with a built-up area of about 2 lakh squarefoot in multiple blocks. An autonomous institute, it endeavours to carve out a niche for itself and gain pre-eminence as an Institution dedicated to the synergistic blend of theory and practice, academics and administration, education and employability, national and global factors, traditional and modern concepts and issues for today, tomorrow and beyond and to transform itself to become the apex body for holistic development of all related sectors coming under the Tourism and Hospitality industry through provision of education, training, research and consultancy services.

University Name
All programs are affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
Telecom Nagar, Near Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500032
More about the Institute

Reservation: SC 15%, ST 6%, Physically Handicapped 3%, BC as per A.P. Govt, norms as on date of interview, 1/3 seats for women students. A few seats are earmarked for foreign candidates and those sponsored by Industry, NRI's and Entrepreneurs. Written test and counseling for Admissions will be conducted at NITHM. Foreign students have to route their applications through MHRD (Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt, of India, New Delhi) or ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi).All qualified candidates will have to submit a physical fitness certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner at the time of admission. Students who have completed an Undergraduate Degree, including Toruism & Hospitality Graduates with 50% marks aggregate (can be relaxed by 5% for SC/ST candidates), are eligible for admission to the MBA (T&H) Course. They should have appeared for any of the management aptitude tests viz. MAT/ ICET. Selection would be through Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview. Reservation: SC 15%, ST 6%, Physically Handicapped 3%, BC as per A.P. Govt, norms as on date of interview, 1/3 seats for women students. A few seats are earmarked for foreign candidates and those sponsored by Industry, NRI's and Entrepreneurs. Written test and counseling for Admissions will be conducted at NITHM. Foreign students have to route their applications through MHRD (Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt, of India, New Delhi) or ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi).

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