National Institute Of Nutrition, Hyderabad
Duration-The course extends over a period of 10 weeks, beginning on 1st January every year and ending in the second week of the following March
1. Graduates (MBBS) or Post-Graduate in Medicine (MD) involved in implementation of public health programmes or engaged in teaching medical colleges. 2. Post-Graduates in Science (MSc) (Physiology/Biochemistry/ Foods & Nutrition/Dietetics) engaged in teaching in relevant disciplines of medical/home science colleges. In addition to in-service candidates, sponsored by government or non-governmental organisations, foreign nationals sponsored by their employees or international organizations will also be considered.
Duration-Seven Weeks
Candidates with MBBS or M.Sc. (Biochemistry) working in Medical Colleges, University Departments and Research Institutions
Duration-Ten Days
MBBS or M.Sc. (Biochemistry/Foods & Nutrition) or B.Sc. with five years experience in Clinical Pathology Laboratory.