Kasturba medical college manipal

College Name
Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal
College Description

Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal was established on June 30, 1953, by late Dr. T. M. A. Pai. The late Dr. Tonse Madhava Anantha Pai (1898 – 1979), physician, educationist, banker and philanthropist, was the founder and builder of modern Manipal. He established educational, medical, banking and industrial enterprises of national importance and repute.

The College is one of the Top Private Medical colleges in India.
University Name
Manipal University
University Description

Manipal University is a name to reckon with not just in India, but the world over. Although it got the deemed university status in 1993, the seeds for its magnificent growth were sown way back in 1953 with the setting up of the flagship Kasturba Medical College on what was then a barren hilltop. From then on, institution after institution was added and facilities kept improving to ensure Manipal University emerges the leading higher education provider in the country today with 24 professional institutions in medicine, engineering, management and humanities. The University is making a strong headway in research as well. Spread over 600 acres of green expanse, the University is home to 28,000 students pursuing undergraduate and post graduate programs in diverse subjects. The University has a strong alumni network of over 94,000 members.

Manipal University, Manipal.edu, Madhav Nagar, Manipal - 576104, Karnataka
Manipal University has 2 campuses one each in Dubai and Malaysia. The details of these campuses can be viewed in the respective website mentioned in left navigation.
More about the Institute

The Kasturba Medical College started with only the pre-clinical section at Manipal as the students had to go to Mangalore for their clinical training. In 1969, when the clinical programme started in Manipal, KMC became a full-fledged independent college. Kasturba Medical College is the first college in the private sector and ranks among the top five medical colleges in the country today. Students from 44 countries have graduated from the college, and its degrees are recognized worldwide. With the first graduating class of students in 1958, KMC was granted recognition by the Medical Council of India. Recognition by the General Medical Council of Great Britain and the Malaysian Medical Council soon followed. Today, Manipal University (of which KMC is a constituent college) degrees are recognized in all countries. The physical facilities for research work and student amenities have been steadily developed over the years. The 200-acre campus provides one of the finest environments for study in south Asia.

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