Error message

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International Management Institue,New Delhi

College Name
International Management Institue,New Delhi
College Description

International Management Instiute was started in 1981.It is a business school located in New Delhi.It is one of the five B-schools in India to get accrediation from accrediation agency AMBA

University Name
Deemed University
International Management Institute B-10, Qutub Institutional Area Tara Crescent, New Delhi-110066 India
IMI campus has two exclusive hi tech computer labs.Wi-Fi is easily available in hostels, canteen and in amphitheatre.The library has an extensive collection of printed as well as electronic resources.It has e-journals, company data,industry report etc.The
More about the Institute

IMI campus is well planned and aesthetically designed and it encourages the overall development of the students.It has academic, residential and recreational block.The academic block consists of lecture halls, Tata Chemicals Computer Centre, BOC conference room,RPG Auditorium, Williamson Magor Library,faculty chambers and admisnistrative offices.The campus has two computer labs and also have Wi-Fi facility.IMI has two branches in Kolkata and in Bhubaneshwar.It is ranked as 6th in Academic Excellence by Outlook Magazine.

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