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Institute of Business Studies and Research

College Name
Institute of Business Studies and Research, Mumbai
College Description

The Institute of Business Studies & Research (IBSAR) is a business school located in the CBD Belapur district of Navi Mumbai and also at Baner Pune, India.IBSAR was established in 2005 in Mumbai and 2007 in Pune. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institute. It focuses on business programs for specific disciplines and places emphasis on training for the business world.

University Name
IBSAR Campus, Thapar Complex, Sector-15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614.
This is the most precious campus as IBSAR’s journey started from here at CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai in 2009. The campus became operational fully in 2005 and in located in the Central Business District of Belapur at a 5 mrts distance from railway station,
More about the Institute

IBSAR is a multi disciplinary business school focusing on actionable business programs. The institute continuously invests in research activities and recruitment of academic leaders in fields such as Strategy , OB , Finance , Marketing , Retail , Operations , General Management and IT . IBSAR offers an outstanding learning environment by facilitating the best learning experience possible. Your learning experience will be influenced by the most recent developments in the field and delivered by experienced teachers, researchers, top management professionals and consultants. We draw on a deep pool of practitioners from a range of organizations. The school has entirely new insights and differentiation strategy to help management aspirants to grow into top ranking global professionals. The training at IBSAR starts from the word “go” as students have to manage the institute in all respects. Students are involved in admissions, administration, faculty selection, corporate interaction, project selections, internships, placements, various events and live projects.

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