Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Delhi
The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) is one of India's premier institutes for training, teaching and research in mass communication. It was set up by the Government of India in 1965 on the recommendation of a team of internationally known mass communication specialists from UNESCO and the Ford Foundation. It has created a niche for itself in the field of mass communication education, research and training. It is playing a pivotal role by organising suitable training courses to meet the new challenges of training and skilled manpower to make the best use of communication resources for national development and growth. Indian Institute of Mass Communication has gained recognition from around the world and from UNESCO as a centre of excellence in the field of communication teaching, training and research.
JNU is a central University.
The Institute conducts two four-month agency journalism courses in a year, leading to a Diploma in Development Journalism. A one-year Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations was started in 1981 to fulfill a long-felt need in this expanding field of mass communication. In 1981-82, the Institute started a course in Broadcast Journalism for in-service personnel from Akashvani and Doordarshan.
For those working or desirous of working in Indian language journalism, the Institute started a full-time one-year Post-Graduate Course in Journalism (Hindi) in 1987 . With a view to meeting the increasing demand from eastern states for a media institute in the region, the Institute opened a branch in 1993 in Dhenkanal (Orissa) where Post-Graduate Diploma Courses in Journalism (English and Oriya) are being offered.
As India witnessed the advent of satellite television in a big way in the early nineties and later a proliferation of FM radio channels, the Institute started a full time course in Radio & Television Journalism from 1997 to meet the increasing demand for training facilities in these fields.