Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

College Name
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
College Description

 It is a centre of excellence in IT, established by Ministry of HRD, Govt of India. The Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIIT-A) was established in 1999, as a center of excellence in Information Technology and allied areas. The institute was conferred the "Deemed University" status by Govt. of India in the year 2000. The Institute thus became empowered to have a perpetual seal and award degrees subsequent to the conduct of its own examinations.

University Name
Deemed University
University Description

IIIT is a university extablished under sec 3 of UGC Act, 1956.

Indian Institute of Information Devghat, Jhalwa Allahabad
The 100-acre campus is located on the outskirts of Allahabd including three computer centres with six labs each, 16 lecture halls, library, hostels, residences for the faculty along with an open-air theatre and an auditorium.RGIIT, Amethi campus is an ext
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Collaborations with industry: An Indo-Russian Center of Biotechnology specializing in bioinformatics is operational, and an Indo-US facility for a Universal Digital Library is being set up. A videoconferencing facility for networking with leading institutions in India as well as abroad is also in the works.

1. Maple Leaf India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. M/s. corinex, Canada
3. Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC)
4. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Mumbai
5. Artificial Limb Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), Kanpur, Govt. ofIndia
6. FORTIS Hospiral, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
7. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore
8. Zensar Technologies Ltd., Pune
9. Indian Oil Corporation, Faridabad

The campus-based Gyan Vani regularly broadcasts educational programming.

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