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Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dehradun

Managing Director-IIAE Dehradun B-83, Sector-2,Defence Colony, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand, India Mobile: 9997307530, 0135-3293326
More about the Institute

IIAE was started in year 1992 in Dehradun (Uttarakhand). In year 1992 at 215/1, Kalidas Road, Dehradun, from year 1995 to 2006 at 179- Kalidas Road and its new campus is situated near Dehradun Airport, Dehradun-248140, Uttarakhand, India. IIAE is registered with office of Sub Registrar; Government of India, New Delhi vide no. 488770 under Indian Registration Act 1908.
IIAE impart academic preparation through conduct of regular theoretical classes and practical training at its own campus located near to Dehradun Airport, Dehradun.

1. Corporate Partner of The Royal Aeronautical Society, London.
2. Partner Institute of City of Bristol College, United Kingdom.
3. Partner Institute of Northwestern Michigan College, United States of America (Agreement on final stage).
4. Partner Institute of University of Highlands and Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom.
5. Approved by EDEXCEL, United Kingdom.
6. Partner Institute of San Diego Flight Training International, San Diego,United States of America
7. Affiliated to West-Coast University, Central America, Panama.
8. Affiliated to Institutions of Automotive Engineers, India.
9. Affiliated to Institutions of Motor Industries.
10. Listed under educational directory of United Nations office of Outer Space Affairs.
11. Corporate Member of Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute, Canada.
12. Accredited by International Accredition Organisation (IAO) USA.
13. Approved by athe United Kingdom to offer management qualifications.

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