Faculty of Management Studies, New Delhi (FMS)

MBA Full Time

There are 200 seats and duration is 2 years.

MBA Full time is the flagship course at FMS. The first year introduces the candidates to the essential models and tools needed to frame and analyze fundamental management issues that are essential for creation of thought leaders and change managers. In the second year, candidates decide on their professional development plans by reflecting on the first year learnings and summer internship experiences. Candidates applying for admission must have pursued at least a 3-year Bachelor’s Degree Programme after 12 years of formal schooling in any of the following disciplines.

The minimum requisite percentage of marks in different disciplines are 50% for arts, Commerce or Social Sciences - 50%, Sciences - 55%, Mathematics or Statistics - 60%, Medicine, Engineering or Technology - 60% / CGPA of at least 6.00 in a scale of 10.00, or Post Graduate Degree or 2nd Degree examination after 10+2+3 scheme, securing at least 60% marks.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The eligible applicants will be called for a written test, and on the basis of their performance in the test, they will be called for an interview, an ex-tempore and a group discussion. 

Course Fee and Scholorships

The fee payable at the time of admission is Rs. 10, 480/-.

MBA Executive Evening

The two-year programme is designed to develop conceptual knowledge and behavioral skills in students who continue to work in industry, government or other organizations.
There are 172 seats for MBA executive and 42 seats for MBA executive Health Care Administration.
Every candidate seeking admission should have passed a bachelor’s degree examination of at least 3 years duration with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate. Relaxation on this criterion may be made for those who scored more than 55% marks in aggregate in their post graduate degree or at least 60% in a Diploma in Personnel Management, Diploma in Management, Diploma in Sales and Marketing or Diploma in Administrative Management of the Delhi University conducted by the Faculty prior to the implementation of this particular scheme.
Candidates should have at least five years experience as an executive or an administrator in a commercial, industrial, government establishment or registered organisation after passing the Bachelor’s Degree Examination.
Three years Full-Time experience shall be determined as on 1st July 2013.
Candidates should enclose Sponsorship/ No objection certificate from his/her employer in requisite format along with the application form.

Entrance and Admission requirements

Applications for admission to various programmes are invited through advertisements in major national newspapers in September/October every year. Application forms are distributed to interested candidates on payment of the application fees. The filled-in application forms are to be sent to the Administrative Officer, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 for further processing. Eligible candidates are be called for a written test and/or an interview.

Course Fee and Scholorships
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