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Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gujarat

College Name
Entrepreneurship development Institute of India, Gujarat
College Description

The Entrepreneurship development Institute of India, Gujarat was set up in 1983. It is sponsored by financial institutions like IDBI Bank Ltd., IFCI Ltd., ICICI Bank Ltd. and State Bank of India. An autonomous and non-profit institute. EDI has been ranked in Top 5 institutes in India focussed on entrepreneurship. 


EDI runs AICTE approved program ( PGDiploma in Management - Business Entrepreneurship and Developmental Studies.

The institute also has successfully helped Ministry of External affairs, Govt. of India to get Entrepreunership development center in Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and are now presently working toward creating center in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

University Name
Deemed University
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, (Via Ahmedabad airport and Indira bridge), P.O Bhat 382 428, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
EDI campus is an elegant structure with having a blend of styles influenced by Hindu, Islamic and European architectures. Set up amidst verdant surroundings, the building has inner courtyards with proper light and ventilation system. With sparkling lawns
More about the Institute

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), the Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and the Public Trust Act 1950. The Government of Gujarat pledged twenty-three acres of land on which stands the majestic and sprawling EDI campus. The EDI has been selected as a member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) network of Centres of Excellence for HRD Research and Training. EDI as a member of the Network will have interactive access to information on other 123 member institutions via Internet. The database on the Network is included in the ESCAP HRD Homepage ( on the Internet. EDI will also be invited to collaborate with ESCAP in the development and delivery of a series of ESCAP HRD courses to train social development personnel working to alleviate poverty in the region. Further, EDI as a member will also be invited to nominate their personnel to participate in a series of ESCAP HRD courses for poverty alleviation, starting in 1998.

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