Delhi School of Social Work, Delhi ( Department of Social Work )
The Department of Social Work formerly known as Delhi School of Social Work was founded in 1946. This was the second school of social work to be established in the country at Lucknow by YWCA, the first one being the Tata Institute of Social Sciences at Bombay. In the following year the school was shifted to Delhi and was located at the old Air Force Barracks, 3 University Road. D.S.S.W was taken over by University of Delhi in 1962 and became a post graduate institution maintained by the university. Delhi School of Social Work (DSSW) became the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi.It offers a two years Masters Degree in Social Work, A Two year Masters Degree in Social Work ,a two year Full time pre doctoral Progrmme (M.phil)and Doctoral Programme(Ph.D) in Social Work.