Error message

  • Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in element_children() (line 6369 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5836 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5846 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5884 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#printed' in drupal_render() (line 5891 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in element_children() (line 6369 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5836 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5846 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#children' in drupal_render() (line 5884 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
  • Warning: Illegal string offset '#printed' in drupal_render() (line 5891 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/

Central Leather Research Institute, Kanpur

College Name
Central Leather Research Institute, Kanpur
College Description

Central Leather Research Institute or CLRI is the world's largest leather research institute in terms of research papers and patents. The institute was founded on 24 April 1948 as a constituent laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

University Name
It is an autonomous Institute, Long Term programs are in collaboration with Anna University Chennai.
Sardar Patel Rd, Kotturpuram, Tharamani, Chennai, TN
More about the Institute

CLRI has been closely associated with many International Organisations like UNIDO; FAO; UNDP; TNO (The Netherlands); the British Leather Confederation (BLC), UK; CTC, France; CESECA, Italy; IRDLAI, Indonesia; SATRA, UK and IDRC, Canada,CSID, Australia, University of Amsterdam.

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