Error message

  • Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in element_children() (line 6369 of /home/mapmytalent/public_html/includes/
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Center for Research in Art of Film and Television (CRAFT), New Delhi

College Name
Center for Research in Art of Film and Television (CRAFT), New Delhi
College Description

Center for Research in Art of Film and Television (CRAFT) is a nonprofit organization established in April 2006, in Delhi To strengthen education, training, creativity, research, documentation, dissemination, criticism, distribution, and collaborations across disciplines in the field of film and television It mainly act as an Academic Organization which impart , autonomous short term and long term courses related to film medium like direction,cinematography,acting,Craetive writing,Tv jounalism, PR advt and event mangement.

University Name
CRAFT Film School 272, Naharpur Car Market, Sector-7, Rohini, New Delhi - 110085
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