Armed Forces Medical College, Pune (AFMC)


No of seats 130 seats of which 25 are for girls

Students (a) should be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan or any other foreign country with the intention of permanently settling in India; (b)must be unmarried (marrying during the course is not permitted); (c)should be medically fit as per prescribed standards by Ministry of Defence;(d) must have attained 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of application but not have attained the age of 22 on that date (not more than 24 years in case of candidates who have passed or are appearing for final B Sc exams); (e) should have passed all the subjects opted for in the first attempt of the qualifying examinations as a regular candidate with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken simultaneously and securing not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in these 3 science subjects taken together and not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in each of the science subjects. They must have also passed an examination in Mathematics of 10th standard.

Entrance and Admission requirements

Having met the above stipulated eligibility criteria, students have to appear in the NEET-UG. The selected students have to appear for test of English language, comprehension, Logic and Reasoning and an interview and after that the final selection will be admitted. All MBBS graduates are liable to serve in the medical services of the Armed Forces for at least seven years. Through NEET-UG

Course Fee and Scholorships

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence). Medical cadets receive free tution, free lodging and boarding, uniforms, book subsidies and an allowance for upkeep of the uniforms. Facilities for sports is also free. But there is a service liability of 7 years.


Basic BSc Nursing

No of seat 40

The student (a) must be an Indian national or a subject of Nepal or Sikkim; (b) in the age group of 17-25 years ; (c) should have passed 10+2 with three years Diploma in General Nursing midwifery with minimum two years experience in the profession. Male nurses who have not done midwifery in the General Nursing Midwifery programme must submit a Certificate of completion of a course of 6-9 months duration approved by INC in lieu of midwifery. The candidate should have not less than 50% aggregate marks in all subjects. The candidate should have passed the examination in a single attempt OR 10 class (Matriculation ) or its equivalent with three years diploma in General Nursing Midwifery with a minimum of five years experience in the profession.

Entrance and Admission requirements

Having met the above stipulated eligibility criteria, students have to appear for a written test conducted in Feb/March at 17 centres across the country. The selected students have to appear for an interview and a medical test after clearing which they will be selected. All graduates are liable to serve in the Military Nursing Service for a minimum period of 5 years.

commences with Advertisement appearing in Oct/Dec and course commences in August

Course Fee and Scholorships

Accomodation, laundry services, food and medical services are for free. A stipend of Rs. 250 p.m is given during the four years. An initial outfit allowance of Rs. 400 is given on joining the course and an outfit renewal allowance of Rs. 150 per year during the next 3 years of the course.


No of seat 144 The vacancies for PG Degree/ Diploma are available to service officers only. However, any unutilised vacancy is available to civilians.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The selection for filling these vacancies is based on an entrance exam.

As stipulated

Course Fee and Scholorships

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence).


No of seat 144

The vacancies for PG Degree/ Diploma are available to service officers only. However, any unutilised vacancy is available to civilians.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The selection for filling these vacancies is based on an entrance exam.

As stipulated

Course Fee and Scholorships

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence).


No of seat 1

The vacancies for PG Degree/ Diploma are available to service officers only. However, any unutilised vacancy is available to civilians.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The selection for filling these vacancies is based on an entrance exam.

As stipulated

Course Fee and Scholorships

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence).


No of seat 9

The vacancies for PG Degree/ Diploma are available to service officers only. However, any unutilised vacancy is available to civilians.

Entrance and Admission requirements

The selection for filling these vacancies is based on an entrance exam.

As stipulated

Course Fee and Scholorships

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence).


The vacancies for PG Degree/ Diploma are available to service officers only. However, any unutilised vacancy is available to civilians.

Entrance and admission

The selection for filling these vacancies is based on an entrance exam.

As stipulated

All expenses are paid by the Government (Ministry of Defence).

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