Anna University, Centre For Biotechnology, Chennai

College Name
Anna University, Centre For Biotechnology, Chennai
College Description

One of the top 7 colleges for Biotechnology in India. The Centre for Biotechnology was established in 1987 in Anna University with a financial support from Department of Biotechnology, Delhi, University Grants Commission, Delhi and Anna University.

Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
More about the Institute

The Centre for Biotechnology was established in 1987 in Anna University with a financial support from Department of Biotechnology, Delhi, University Grants Commission, Delhi and Anna University with an objective: To provide educational and training facilities in different areas of Biotechnology To carry out fundamental research in the frontier areas of Biotechnology and To promote research and consultancy activities in the development of various areas of Biotechnology. The R&D (SPIC Bioprocess) laboratory at Taramani Campus caters to high technology areas of Biotechnology. It houses state-of the-art facilities to carryout research and development. The Government of India, recognized Biotechnology as an important thrust area in Science and Technology in this fast developing global scenario

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