Case Studies

Elina and her Career Confussion

Hi I am Elina...

Elina is a class 11 student and studies in one of the most reputed schools in Delhi. She is a single child from a business family. Her parents are themselves very well educated and they have realistic expectations from their daughter. While they do have certain aspirations from their daughter but they are flexible in accepting the reality and exploring any other career options that Elina has in mind.

Elina does not discuss much with adults and it is only after some persuasion that she opens up about her aspirations and interests.

Oh, there's confusion and it's about my future …

As is the case quite often, the aspirations of the parents were at variance with the aspirations and interests of Elina. While the parents wanted Elina to pursue either engineering from a reputed college or to do a Management course and get into business, or perhaps pursue some career in computers; Elina on the other hand wanted to pursue more artistic career options, such as Chef / Dancer / Choreographer. Moreover, Elina's subject interest lay in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, most of her friends were choosing the same in Class XI

Hence confusion existed at two places, first between conflicting aspirations of parents and student and second, within the mindspace of the Student herself, choosing between Artistic Careers or pursuing careers that follow Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Elina was exploring the internet and found MapMyTalent offering the perfect solution to the confusions. She checked with her parents, who after going through the portal, immediately paid for the MyTalent – In-Person Counseling package.

I found MapMyTalent and grabbed it …

Elina took the MyTalent Assessment, mapping her Aptitudes, Personality and Interest.

>> The assessment result showed that as far as Aptitudes of Elina were concerned, she had Moderate to High scores in most of the Aptitudes, more importantly; none of her Aptitude combinations had high or excellent score.

>> However, the assessment result for her Personality revealed that she'd scored Excellent to High in certain personality traits like Alertness, Assertiveness, Communication, Confidence, Decision Making and Determination.

>> Considering her moderate Aptitude Combinations, which determine the ease with which a person can learn or master something, it was quite clear that she will have to put in extra efforts as far as learning in "rough subjects" was concerned and it might take her little more time to complete certain tasks as compared to others.

>> However, the combination of Aptitude Scores and her Personality scores, did result in some interesting career options. MapMyTalent's career counselors suggested her the following careers, where she could excel very well:

o Public Relations Manager.
o Sociologist.
o Entrepreneur.

>> It was suggested to Elina, that it would be good if she took Humanities in her Class XI and XII as studying science or commerce would make her work much harder than her other school mates and competing successfully against them would be difficult.

>> It was mentioned to Elina that her subject Interest in Physics, Chemistry and Maths was not getting backed by her Inherent Aptitudes and it seemed that this interest was more a result of "peer pressure" as almost all of her friends were planning to choose those subjects.

>> It was suggested to Elina, that post her class XII, she could pursue a degree in Mass Communication or Advertising or Journalism. All these three led to a good career in Public Relations. Later on with her enterprising personality traits, it was suggested, she could open up her own Public Relations or Advertising agency.

Now, confusion is a word from history …

These recommendations were well accepted by the parents and Elina. They could fully understand the importance of Aptitude and Personality in choosing ones' career and the advantages that would accrue to Elina's career as she would utilize her strengths very well in the suggested careers.

>> Elina shared that, "The whole thing has been designed very well. I could differentiate between my own strengths and my inclinations that were getting formed because of my friends. The idea of taking breaks during assessment was really good. I would really recommend it to my friends as well."

>> Elina's father shared that the "Interaction with the career counselors has been really fabulous for us and anybody who is confused if they come and have a session, they will be really very clear of what is the capability of the child to pursue ahead in life and career."

>> Her mother shared, "The experience has been enlightening"