Speech Therapist
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Take MyTalentTM AssessmentCourses & Eligibility
The training in Speech Therapy and Audiology is offered at the graduate level. Students from the science background can take up this B.Sc. course of 3 years duration. Specialization is possible after the B.Sc. and M.Sc. course which is of 2 years.
Premier training institutions are the Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Bandra, Mumbai and the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing located on the campus of Mysore University besides the departments in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and PGI Chandigarh.
- B. Sc. Speech Therapy and Audiology
- B. Sc. in Hearing and Language
- M. Sc. Speech Pathology and Audiology
For B. Sc., in some institutes, a Physics-Chemistry-Biology combination is the eligibility and for some other institutes, Physics-Chemistry-Maths combination is the eligibility. While some colleges like TN Medical College, Mumbai, require both PCB and Mathematics at 10+2 to be eligible. PGI, Chandigarh and AIIMS, New Delhi prefer graduates with psychology/education/BA/B Sc. or MBBS for their course.
Where To Study
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Course: B.Sc Audiology and Speech & Language - All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Course: BSc Speech Therapy and Hearing, MSc Speech Pathology and Audiology - Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
v: Diploma in Audiology and Speech Therapy - University of Bombay, Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Bandra (West) Mumbai
Course: B.Sc. Hearing & Language M.Sc Hearing Speech and Language - TN Medical College, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital Mumbai
Course: BSc Speech & Hearing M.Sc - Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Course: BSc Hearing Lang. & speech
- University of Chennai, Centenary Building Chepauk Chennai
Course: BSc Speech & Hearing M.Sc Audiology & Speech Therapy - University of Mysore, Karya Saudha, Crawford Hall, PB No. 17, Mysore, Karnataka,br>
Course: BSc (Speech Pathology or audiology), MSc speech & Hearing - Kasturba Gandhi Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka
Course: BSc Speech & Hearing - Institute of Speech & Hearing, Hannur Road, Bangalore
Course: BSc Hearing Lang. & Speech - Institute of Nursing, A.B Shetty Marg, Mangalore
Course: BSc Hearing Lang. & speech - All India Institute & Special Hearing Mansazangolhri, Mysore.
Course: B.Sc Hearing Lang. & speech M.Sc - JM Institute of Speech &Hearing, Patna
Course: Diploma in Hearing Language and speech.