Radiation Technologist
Know if you can be a good Radiation Technologist?
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Radiation Technologist?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentCourses and Eligibility
BSc Medical Radiation Technology 3 years
B Sc Medical Technology in Radiography
BSc Radiotherapy 10+2 students with science are eligible for the course.
Where To Study
1. PGI Chandigarh Offers B Sc medical radiation Technology.
2. Manipal College of allied health sciences, Manipal, Karnataka.
3. Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, UP.
4. CMC Vellore 5. Amala Institute of Medical sciences, Thrissur
6. Dr K R Adhikary college of Optometry and Para Medical Technology, Nadia, West Bengal.
7. Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
8. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. "