Naval Architect and Ocean Engineer
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Naval Architect and Ocean Engineer?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentPay and Remuneration
Fresh Engineers get around Rs 2.5-3 lakhs per annum . The pay increases with experience and there is no upper limit of earnings for entrepreneurs.
Career Prospects
Indian Navy and government and private shipyards offer huge employment opportunity. Naval architect can also be self employed — ship repairs, boat-building, shipbuilding, harbors and docks, ship lifts, equipment for the ships.
Both private and government agencies seek the services of Ocean Engineers. Ocean Engineers find employment in industries related to Offshore Oil Recovery, Marine metals and corrosion, Environmental Protection, Global Climate Monitoring, Renewable Energy, Underwater Vehicles, Remote Sensing, Marine Transportation, or Naval Architecture and Defence.