Mathematics and Computing
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Science students with Physics, chemistry and Mathematics at class 12th level are eligible for the 4 year B Tech program in Mathematics and Computing.
Course curriculum
Semester 1
Chemistry, Chemistry Laboratory, Electrical Sciences, Mathematics – I, Workshop/Physics Laboratory Engineering Drawing, Physics – I, Physical Training – I
Semester 2
Modern Biology , Introduction to Computing, Computing Laboratory, Basic Electronics Laboratory, Mathematics – II, Engineering Mechanics, Physics – II, Physics Laboratory/Workshop, Physical Training -II
Semester 3
Mathematics – III, Discrete Mathematics, Modern Algebra, Probability Theory and Random Processes, Digital Design, HSS Elective – I, Physical Training - III
Semester 4
Real Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, Computer Organization and Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, HSS Elective – II, Data Structures Lab with Object-Oriented Programming,Financial Engineering – I, Physical Training - IV
Semester 5
Scientific Computing, Stochastic Calculus for Finance, Operating Systems 3, Operating Systems Laboratory, Data Communications, HSS Elective - III
Semester 6
Optimization, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Financial Engineering – II, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Databases, Databases Lab, Computer Networks, Networks Lab
Semester 7
Matrix Computations, Statistical Analysis of Financial Data, Theory of Computation, Department Elective-I, Project-I
Top colleges for Mathematics and Computing
1. IIT Guwahati offers 4 year B Tech in Mathematics and Computing. Admission is through JEE.
2. IIT Delhi offers 5 year integrated M Tech in Mathematics and Computing. Admission is through JEE.
3. Panjab University Chandigarh offers B Sc Hons in Mathematics and Computing. The admission is through PU CET and direct admission for INMO awardees. There are 15 seats in this course.
4. Institute of Mathematics and Application, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha offers BSc Hons in Mathematics and Computing.
5. BITS Mesra, Ranchi Offers 5 years integrated B Sc and M Sc Mathematics and Computing
6. Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai offer B Sc Mathematics and Computer Science.