Forensic Scientist
— Paraphrase of a Old Proverb “Figures do not lie, but liars can do figures”
(Reproduced in the “Journal of Forensic Sciences”)
What is Forensic Science?
Forensic Science is a science dealing with providing impartial scientific evidence for court cases and helping the law in understanding and solving cases, for example: criminal investigations and trial. Forensic Science is a multidisciplinary subject, drawing principally from chemistry and biology, but also physics, geology, psychology, social science, etc.
What do Forensic Scientists do?
Forensic scientists help investigate crimes through collection and analysis of evidence. The evidence may be at the crime scene or elsewhere and may comprise of clothes, hair, handwriting, weapons and other materials. They inspect the crime scene thoroughly and collect the evidence. Most of them are trained for more than one type of evidence. And try to inter relate the evidence and recreate the crime scene. Usually they work in Forensic labs but can also work in field or in medical research labs depending on specialization. They work closely with the police and detectives to help solve criminal cases. Forensic science is a vast field and thus they specialize in areas like Finger printing or DNA analysis.
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