Financial Analyst
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Financial Analyst?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentPay and Remuneration
The average salary for a financial analyst is INR 3.5 lakhs per year which may go up to INR 6 lakhs a year or more depending upon the qualifications of the candidate. This is a job where the employees also get bonus which adds a lot to their basic earnings. Besides the handsome salary package, financial analysts are respected a lot in the industry. Attractive growth opportunities for extraordinary talented finance professionals are also available in the industry.
Famous Personalities
Immense knowledge and experience is needed to be a successful financial analyst as this can completely change the future of an individual or a company.
Peter Lynch is one of the very famous financial analysts. From 1977 to 1990 he successfully ran Magellan Fund. The fund grew around 28 times which is very commendable for those times.
Peter Schiff is also another very financial analyst as he was the one who predicted the collapse of 2008.
There are many other financial analysts who have excelled in their field. Abby Joseph Cohen, Duncan Harvey, Grant Mitchell, Harry Browne and Irving Kahn are only few of them.
A Day in Life
A typical day in the life of a financial analyst would differ and vary depending on their nature of work and seniority. A typical day will require analysis of data and number crunching. The data has to be mined and accordingly presented in sheets, reports and presentations. Weekly and monthly meeting are held where updates are exchanged by the team in order to take the strategic decisions.
Is being a Financial Analyst not the career you are looking for? Here is a detailed list of all career options that you can explore at MapMyTalent:
Chartered Accountancy as a career
In any case, one must take Aptitude Test and Personality Test to check ones' fitment with different careers.