Environmental Scientist
Our existence on earth is due to the environment. Rampant industrialization and use of natural resources has harmed the environment in past few hundred years. Throughout the world scientists have realized that if we don’t take immediate steps, then life on earth would come under threat. Thus the last few decades have seen increased consciousness for environment and organizations and governments have started taking measures to develop eco friendly technologies and in protecting the environment.
This is where environmental scientists come in to the picture. Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental scientists protect the environment by conducting research that will identify, eliminate or reduce pollutants and hazards to the environment or to the health of people.
A career in Environmental Science promises employment opportunities, for the environmental scientists, environmental engineers, environmental modelers, environmental biologists, environmental journalists and many more.
Environmental scientists work to regulate, control and prevent air, land and water pollution. They often conduct research to find pollutants or other hazards in the environment and then devise plans to eliminate or minimize them. This is done in accordance with the direction of the employing company, balanced with good environmental practice.
Environmental scientists usually specialize in a certain aspect of the environment, such as land conservation, toxic waste removal, groundwater contamination, acid rain and wildlife protection to name a few. They can also do environmental impact studies or design monitoring systems to ensure that no environmental damage occurs. Environmental scientists can also work with non-profit organizations or governments to solve environmental problems in the community. In this role an environmental scientist may spend a lot of time in an office, developing relationships with individuals, organisations and other governments which are designed to contribute to environmental protection.
Environmental scientists generally do field explorations or work in the labs as technicians and research assistants. With experience the move to higher positions and manage projects.
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