Cost Accountant
Are your Aptitudes and Personality suitable for becoming a good Cost Accountant?
To know this, take the MyTalentTM Assessment.
Take MyTalentTM AssessmentSalary
Salaries of CWA employed in public or private sector companies vary depending upon qualification and experience. Average salaries at junior level are Rs. 1.2 – 1.8 lakhs a year while a senior Cost Accountant can expect to get Rs. 3.6 – 4.5 lakhs a year. Cost Accountants who do private practice also earn handsome returns depending upon the numbers and kinds of clients they have.
Career Prospects
Private sector and government continue to be the biggest employer for cost accountants. Very good employment options exist in big corporate, government agencies, banks and teaching and education Institutes. There is an all India Cadre known as Cost Accounts Service at par with other class 1 services such as IAS and IFS that advises government in cost pricing and in framing appropriate policies. UGC has also notified professional qualification of Cost accountant among other qualifications as the eligibility criteria for recruitment an appointment of Assistant Professors. And one also can enroll for PhD in commerce and allied disciplines. Cost accountants can undertake own independent practice after getting the necessary certification from the institute.