Bio Medical Engineer
What is Biomedical Engineering?
Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary field which connects engineering to medicine. Bio Medical Engineers apply their knowledge to solve problems in the medical field.
What do Biomedical Engineers do?
Bio medical engineers design and develop devices (both medical and diagnostics) and systems for medical use like pace makers, cardiac monitors, contact lenses, wheel chairs etc. They are also responsible for management of technology in hospitals and health care services. Sometimes they may also build customized devices for special health care needs. Some bio-medical engineers supervise laboratories and equipment, and also do research. Some biomedical engineers also have advanced training in other fields like Medicine and thus they combine engineering technology with clinical research. Biomedical engineers are employed in the industry, in hospitals, in research facilities of educational and medical institutions, in teaching, and in government regulatory agencies. They often serve a coordinating or interfacing function, using their background in both engineering and medical fields. In industry, they create designs where an in-depth understanding of living systems and of technology is essential.
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