B Sc (H) Bio medical science


B Sc (H) Bio medical science course is offered by Delhi University. It is one the coveted courses after Bio stream in class 12th. This course has been designed to train undergraduate students in interdisciplinary studies related to biomedical science.  The training imparted in this course will empower the students to either enter for higher studies (i.e. M.Sc., M.Sc. – Ph.D. programme in biomedical sciences and other biological sciences offered by the University of Delhi or other Universities) or join the job where knowledge related to Medicine, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology or other allied fields is required.

The University of Delhi colleges that offer this course are

1.    Acharya Narender Dev College

2.    Bhaskaracharya College of applied science

3.    Shaheed Rajguru Colleges of applied sicence for women.


For B Sc (H) Bio medical science course the subjects required are Physics, Chemistry, Biology/BioTechnology

Minimum eligibility is 55 % marks in aggregate. Basis of selection is marks in aggregate of 3 science subjects and with mathematics will be given a advantage of 3 % over and above the PCB/Bt aggregate.

The syllabus of B Sc (H) Bio medical science is as follows

Semester 1

Paper 1  Biology – I : Introduction to Biology with Practicals

Paper 2 Human Physiology I with Practicals

Paper 3 Chemistry I with Practicals

Paper 4 Technical writing and Communication in English / Computational Skills

Semester 2

Paper 5 Technical writing and Communication in English / Computational Skills

Paper 6 Human Physiology II with Practicals

Paper 7 Chemistry II with Practicals

Paper 8 Mathematics and Statistics

Semester 3

Paper 9 Microbiology with Practicals

Paper 10 Pathology with Practicals

Paper 11 Cell Biology I

Paper 12 Molecular Biology I

Semester 4

Paper 13 Biochemistry with Practicals

Paper 14 Medicinal Chemistry with Practicals

Paper 15 Cell Biology II

 Paper 16  Molecular Biology - II

Semester 5

Paper 17 Pharmacology with Practicals

Paper 18 Biophysics with Practicals

Paper 19 Clinical Biochemistry with Practicals

Paper 20 Genetics & Genomics I

Semester 6

Paper 21 Toxicology with Practicals

Paper 22 Immunology with Practicals

Paper 23 a,b,c,d, Special Paper with Practicals

Paper 24 Genetics & Genomics – II


CHOICES FOR SPECIAL PAPER: SEMESTER 6- Paper-23 1. Bioinformatics  2. Human Genetics 3. Medical Biotechnology) 4. Social and Preventive Medicine 

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